A Suitor Like Jenny

Jenny Higgins is certain falling in love and finding a husband are matters of the mind. Her heart has other plans.

After their parents died, Jenny felt responsible for seeing that her two younger sisters were well taken-care of. Tipped off by an article naming Rocky Creek the town with the highest number of eligible bachelors, Jenny rolled into this Texas town with a clear objective: find suitable husbands for her two sister and then start fresh somewhere far, far away.

Jenny believe that women who fall in love at first sight often wish they’d taken a second look, so she diligently begins to follow all the rules set forth in her handy manual on how to land a husband.

But while Jenny is interviewing the less-than-promising candidates, her sisters are falling in love the old-fashioned way–with men of their choosing. And the longer Jenny stays, the more her sense of control slips away. The town isn’t living up to her expectations, her sisters are rebelling against her practical choices, and soon her own heart starts to betray her, as US Marshall Rhett Armstrong stirs emotions in her that weren’t part of her plan.

To relinquish her control to God and calm her restless spirit, she’ll need to give her foregone conclusions about marriage, love, and faith.

A Lady Like Sarah

She’s an outlaw.

He’s a preacher.

Both are in need of a miracle.

Sarah Prescott has never known a respectable life. Just a hardscrabble childhood and brothers who taught her to shoot first and ask questions later.

Justin Wells left Boston in disgrace, heading out alone on the dusty trail to Texas. But when the once-respected clergyman encounters a feisty redhead in handcuffs with a dying U.S. Marshal at her side, their journey takes a dramatic turn.

His high-society expectations and Sarah’s outlaw habits clash from the start. With a price on her head and towing an orphaned baby rescued from the brink of starvation, Justin and Sarah make the difficult journey toward Rocky Creek. There, justice will be meted out. Perhaps—they hope—with a healthy portion of grace.

Filled with mishaps, laughs, and adventure, Margaret Brownley’s inspiring romance will keep readers cheering for Sarah as she struggles to become a true lady.

A Vision of Lucy

In the third book of the Rocky Creek Romance series we meet Lucy Fairbanks, a feisty female photographer Though the storyline drags a little in the beginning, it picks up and redeems itself and becomes a satisfying read. — Romantic Times

“Margaret Brownley’s historical romance novels have a great balance of humour, love and intrigue and A Vision of Lucy continues that trend…this is a fun, sweet story with some more serious elements surrounding David’s heritage and racial prejudice… Fans of Mary Connealy and Karen Witemeyer will certainly enjoy A Vision for Lucy and Margaret’s other stories.” — Relz Reviews